Behavior Guidelines

Respect and good manners are of the utmost importance in setting a warm, learning environment.  As part of that, this year, WTE will be implementing a new positive reinforcement behavior system.  We have based these new guidelines on the KYCID model that many other Kenton county schools use.  As part of the new guidelines, there are specific rules for different areas of the building including the classroom, cafeteria, hallways, and restrooms.  There are also very specific consequences for infractions.  Our Bearcat B's will be our hard and fast rules for behavior.  They are:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible 

Believe in Yourself and Your School 

 Students will be instructed on how appropriate behavior looks and doesn't look.  Lessons will be retaught when necessary.  Parents will be informed of any inappropriate behavior via the student planner.  Parents are expected to sign the planner daily as a way to keep the communication lines open between school and home.  This does not mean however, that a note, email, or phone call from the teacher will not accompany the discipline notice in the planner.  We will continue to use the color cards as visual reminders to the students of their misbehavior.  NO PHYSICAL VIOLENCE WILL BE TOLERATED. We try to handle all situations in the classroom.  However, if this cannot happen, then the student will be asked to discuss the situation with the principal or assistant principal.  When students are meeting behavioral expectations, they will be rewarded with the chance for their name to be included for a special drawing.  Classes as a whole can be rewarded too!  There will be large posters outside of each classroom and teachers will be given bear paws that can be affixed to the poster when their class earns a compliment.  When the necessary amount of bear paws are on the poster, the class gets a special reward (extra recess, movie party,etc.)  Let's earn lots of those paws!!!!

Please be aware that detention has now become a consequence for misbehavior as well as missing homework.

More information will follow from the school office.